Deloitte Impact Day at Innovation!

Students engaged in a lesson with Deloitte volunteers
Students engaged in a lesson with Deloitte volunteers
On Friday, June 10th, Innovation and Deloitte organized another successful Impact Day. The Science Department and 20 Deloitte volunteers worked through a lesson that focused on the parallels of high school and the real world. The volunteers pushed into Biology/Living Environment, Earth Science, and Chemistry classes where they co taught the lesson with Innovation’s Science Teachers.
Innovation students present their consulting ideas to a panel of Deloitte volunteer consultants on Impact Day
Innovation students present their consulting ideas to a panel of Deloitte volunteer consultants on Impact Day

The volunteers were from Deloitte, a corporation based here in Manhattan, and they helped the students understand the importance of working to their full potential through out their high school careers. This was monumental during our regents push for the science department and the school as a whole.
P1000043Thank you to Brendan Boerbaitz, Deloitte Senior Consultant & Innovation Advisory Board Member, and Sean Pawelec, science department chair, for successfully facilitating another successful Impact Day at Innovation!
Click Here for more general information about Deloitte’s Impact Day!

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